Tuesday 29 April 2014

Installing Ruby on Rails on Linux Machine

You can follow the steps below to install ruby on rails on your linux machine.Open your terminal and follow the steps below.

First we are going to install curl,we will be fetching RVM by using curl.
sudo apt-get install curl

Installing RVM:-
RVM means ruby version manager it is used to maintain multiple ruby versions.It is highly recommended to use RVM  as sometimes you may want to use earlier ruby versions(ex:- 1.8.7,1.9.3) for older projects and current version for the latest projects(ex:- 2.1) and this problem is solved by RVM,you can refer the documentation for other versions and full details .

We can install RVM using the following command.

curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

In order to source the rvm scripts file we will be using this command. 

source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
This command will install the dependencies.

rvm requirements
you can get the list of ruby versions available by using

rvm list known
Now we can install the required ruby version with this command

rvm install RUBY_VERSION
ex:- rvm install 2.1.0
now we can check the ruby version installed by using

ruby -v

If you want to set ruby 2.1.0 as default ruby version then use

rvm --default use 2.1.0

As both RVM and some version of ruby are installed in our machine and we can proceed with installation of rails.
we can install rails by using the following command.

gem install rails

The above command will install the latest rails version,if you want to install some other version of rails you can use

gem install rails -v SOME_VERSION

ex:- gem install rails -v 3.2.11

That's it you can check your rails version using rails -v in your terminal.

Call Us – (203) 208 3081
Write us – sales@panzertechnologies.com.

Monday 28 April 2014

Open the iPhone Simulator Using Terminal

 First the project installed in application folder and then follow the following command are

$ OPEN /Applcaition Folider/Xcode.app/Content/Developer/Platform/Iphone simulator.platform/Developer/applications/iphone simulator.app

add alias name to your ./bash profile if you want

alias simulator=‘open PEN /Applcaition Folider/Xcode.app/Content/Developer/Platform/Iphone simulator.platform/Developer/applications/iphone simulator.app’

now just type in command
$ Simultor

Call Us – (203) 208 3081
Write us – sales@panzertechnologies.com

Friday 25 April 2014

How To install Android environment | Android Developer Hyderabad

How To install Android environment:
Here’s a quick start installation guide to get you up and running with the Google Android Software Development Kit (SDK). This guide will describe how to install the Android SDK and set up your chosen development environments. If you’ haven’t already done so you can download the Android SDK from the link below, then we can get started.
First you’ll need to download the Android SDK source files:
( http://code.google.com/android/download.html )
System Requirements
In order to first use the Android SDK code and tools for development you will of course need a suitable environment develop from.
Currently the following operating systems are supported:
  • Windows XP or Vista
  • Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (x86 only)
  • Linux (tested on Linux Ubuntu Dapper Drake)
You will also need to install a suitable development environment such as:
  1. Eclipse
  2. JDK (Java Development Kit)
  3. Android SDK
  4. ADT (Android Development Tools)

1.Installing the Eclipse:
  1. Download and install Eclipse IDE latest version or 3.2 or 3.3 or above. Recommended version is “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers”
Ø  For Windows, The Eclipse download comes as a big ZIP file that you install by extracting the files to your favorite directory. We’ll assume that you extracted to C:/eclipse.
Ø  For Mac OS X, The Eclipse download comes as a big tar ball (.gz file) that you install by extracting             the files to your favorite directory. we'll assume that you extracted to /usr/lib/eclipse.
2.Installing the JDK:
  1. Install JDK (Java Development Kit) version 5.0 or 6.0.

Ø  For Windows, you can go to http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads and choose JDK 6 Update.

Ø  In Mac OS X, we don't need to do this as JDK (5.) is built-in installed with Mac OS X.
3.Installing the Android SDK
First you will need to download the Android SDK pack .zip archive, once downloaded find a suitable installation location on your machine and extract the zipped files.
Mac OS X
  1. In the home directory locate the .bash_profile and locating the PATH variable add the location to your $SDK_ROOT/tools folder.
Windows XP / Vista
  1. Download the latest Android SDK.
  2. Unzip to C:\AndroidSDK
  3. Right-click on (My) Computer, and select Properties
  4. Go to Advanced settings
    • XP: Click the Advanced tab
    • Vista/7: Click Advanced system settings on the left
  5. Click the Environment Variables button
  6. double-click on Path (under System Variables)
  7. Add the full path to the tools/ directory:
(Make sure a semicolon (;) separates this new path from all the others)
The Android SDK also requires a suitable development environment to work in, here’s the installation guides for each of the supported environments.

4.Installing the ADT Plugin:

  1. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software.
  2. In the Available Software dialog, click Add....
  3. In the Add Site dialog that appears, enter a name for the remote site (for example, "Android Plugin") in the "Name" field.
In the "Location" field, enter this URL:
Note: If you have trouble acquiring the plugin, you can try using "http" in the URL, instead of "https" (https is preferred for security reasons).
Click OK.
  1. Back in the Available Software view, you should now see "Developer Tools" added to the list. Select the checkbox next to Developer Tools, which will automatically select the nested tools Android DDMS and Android Development Tools. Click Next.
  2. In the resulting Install Details dialog, the Android DDMS and Android Development Tools features are listed. Click Next to read and accept the license agreement and install any dependencies, then click Finish.
  3. Restart Eclipse.
Configuring the ADT Plugin:
Once you've successfully downnloaded ADT as described above, the next step is to modify your ADT preferences in Eclipse to point to the Android SDK directory:
  1. Select Window > Preferences... to open the Preferences panel (Mac OS X: Eclipse > Preferences).
  2. Select Android from the left panel.
  3. For the SDK Location in the main panel, click Browse... and locate your downloaded SDK directory.   Click Apply, then OK.
Updating the ADT Plugin
To update the ADT plugin to the latest version, follow these steps:
  1. Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install….
  2. Select Search for updates of the currently installed features and press Finish.
  3. If any update for ADT is available, select and install.
  1. Select Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration.
  2. Navigate down the tree and select Android Development Tools <version>
Create New Project
  1. Start Eclipse
  2. Click on File-> New -> Project
  3. Select "Android Project" and click Next.
  4. Fill in the project details with the following values:
1.    Project name: HelloAndroid
2.    Application name: Hello, Android
3.    Package name: com.example.helloandroid (or your own private namespace)
4.    Create Activity: HelloAndroid
  1. Choose minimum Android target version.
  2. Click Finish project.

Your Android project is now ready. It should be visible in the Package Explorer on the left. Open the HelloAndroid.java file, located inside HelloAndroid > src > com.example.helloandroid). It should look like this:
package com.example.helloandroid;

import android.app.Activity;

import android.os.Bundle;

public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





Run the Application

The Eclipse plugin makes it easy to run your applications:
  1. Select Run > Run.
  2. Select "Android Application".
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Thursday 17 April 2014

Adobe PDF and Connect Integration in Coldfusion

PDF document generation and manipulation were introduced in Coldfusion,allowing PDF documents to be split and recomposed with the cfpdf family of tags. A rich set of tags was added to perform all manner of manipulations to Adobe PDF documents,providing ColdFusion with one of most enduring and compelling value propositions.
Also included is the ability to create slide presentations dynamically from HTML code or Adobe Connect (SWF) files by using the cfpresentation family of tags and write the presentation files to disk or directly to a browser. The presentation can access live data from a database and populate charts and graphs.
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Tuesday 15 April 2014

New Features in Coldfusion Application Development

“ColdFusion is an application server and software development framework used for the development of computer software in general, and dynamic web sites.ColdFusion now offers built in support for HTML5 and helps boost performance using Tomcat integration and enhanced caching. ColdFusion Enterprise Edition enables enterprise developers to improve productivity, while strengthening authentication and encryption techniques to make Websites more secure.
The new release features a multitude of enhancements. ColdFusion reduces complex business logic into a few lines of code, accelerating the development cycle. ColdFusion brings in the same capability to HTML5 application development to help deliver rich user experiences through WebSockets, video player, geo tagging and interactive charting. And ColdFusion gives developers the tools to condense enormous tasks into easily manageable projects and rapidly build and deploy scalable Java EE applications to satisfy large scale business needs in the enterprise. ColdFusion also provides access to a large repository of interactive, client side HTML5 charts and helps to easily implement them using the built in chart functionality. Developers can create an enriched user experience by customizing charts, including charts that run in Adobe Flash technology.”

Friday 11 April 2014

Mobile Application Development Services in Hyderabad India

Do you know what Companies are in search of today ?
Business owners have now understood clearly enough the concept of marketing. These are the ways which can really invite a lot of investment. If you are a smaller company then you may not be able to market properly enough through paper advertising or tele calling etc.
Looking for Mobile app development services Are you in quest of perfectly flawless, If yes is your answer then approach Panzer Technologies for the best services related to mobile app development, mobile game development and iPhone app development etc. your investment will surely bring for you more and more in return.
Call Us – (203) 208 3081
Write us – sales@panzertechnologies.com

Speed up your ruby-on-rails Application using webp Images

Speed up your Ruby on Rails application using WebP images
What is WebP?
WebP is an image format that employs both lossy and lossless compression. It’s been developed by Google. So far only Google Chrome (+ Android) and Opera support this type of images, as we can show webp images in Chrome and Opera, and png, jpg or gif images in the other browsers.
WebP and Ruby on Rails
After the webp library has been released, I wrote a webp gem – webp-ffi. You can use it to work with webp images in Ruby. Also, two good Ruby gems were released a bit later – sprockets-webp and carrierwave-webp. Sprockets-webp provides a Rails Asset Pipeline hook for converting PNG and JPEG assets to the WebP format. To use it, just add this gem in the Gemfile.
 Call Us – (203) 208 3081
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Essential tips for android app developers

The android apps are teemed with several features and gifted with fast performance. Whether someone using an iPhone, Android or Windows Phone, these apps are highly creative to maintain the users’ interest. Mobile app Developers are apply the following tips. Here below gave 3 essential tips for Android Developers.
Tip 1: Give First Priority to User Experience
Tip2: Don’t Compromise On Mobile Apps Security
Tip3: Strike a Balance between User Needs & Client Objectives
Now, we are in an age where the android application development is trending in the industry. When you are about to choose Android app Developers, you need to see whether he/she is a part of well-known Company, as they will have experience in meeting different client requirements.
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Thursday 3 April 2014

Affordable Ruby on Rails Programmers Hyderabad India

Now a Days Ruby on rails development in India has gained a fast pace in the technological field for numerous reasons for many different reasons. It helps web developers in many different ways. Nowadays ROR developers can create web 2.0 applications using latest RUBY ON RAILS web services. After the ROR 2.2 release, it has become much easier to release the open source internationally.
Panzer Technologies offers Ruby on Rails Programmers for ROR Development at an affordable cost. Our ROR Programmers are providing custom ruby on rails web development services. Request a free quote for Ruby on Rails Developers, Today!
Call Us – (203) 208 3081
Write us – sales@panzertechnologies.com

Coldfusion Mobile Apps Development India

As the economy per many companies are preferring offshore outsourcing ColdFusion development rather than hiring new staff to get more technological results. Many companies are providing ColdFusion services at a very affordable price. They perfectly provide extensive ColdFusion along with maintenance and support.
Panzer Technologies is an India based ColdFusion Web Development Company. Our ColdFusion Development wing is well trained in building scalable, cost effective and high secure web applications using Macromedia ColdFusion MX.
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Iphone Game Development Company India

Developing games for iPhone is a very different and challenging experience than any other mobile platforms. We design games that are visually exciting, addictive in nature and have the potential to attract users. Games developed at Panzer Technologies.
Panzer Technologies an iPhone Development Company in Hyderabad, India and a leading iPhone Developer delivers the best app games for iPhone. Request a free quote for Ruby on Rails Developers, Today!
Call Us – (203) 208 3081
Write us – sales@panzertechnologies.com

Android App and Game Development Company India

Gaming development is booming in the market as a number of people are crazy about playing games. Android Game Development can be done nicely by those developers, who love to play different types of games. Android is one of the best operating system, having a load of features for implementing various Android applications.
Panzer Technologies offer outstanding Android game apps, Our Android game development team is skilled at developing for Android devices including phones, tablet and phablets. Request a free quote for Ruby on Rails Developers, Today!
Call Us – (203) 208 3081
Write us – sales@panzertechnologies.com