Monday, 12 May 2014

Different Types of Android Errors | Android Programming Bugs

·  Syncing Error

This is one of the most frequent errors you will get while trying to sync your Android Device. Its solution is somewhat similar to fixing syncing for most Windows devices. First, remove the account information from  device, reboot/restart, and re-enter the information back into  device. Try to download our messages/sync the device.STEPS:
  • Go to Menu >> Settings>> Accounts and Sync
  • Identify the application with issue
  • Remove from your accounts to manage
  • Reboot/restart your Android Device
  • Go back to Menu >> Settings>> Accounts and Sync
  • Add the account
  • Attempt to sync (use the “sync all” button if needed)
·  SMS Error Cause Code 97 Class 2

This error pops up while sending SMS. Users are usually not aware that this error could be possibly due to text plan or lack of it. While activating your number, you may be required to call an automated number. Please follow instructions carefully or your SMS service might be disrupted even after few months.
·  Battery Drain

Battery woes seem to be a never ending saga for Android. No matter which version you are using Android OS simply is a battery hog.  It gets worst with services like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS. These services drain out your battery quicker than you can probably imagine. So make sure that you turn off such services when not in use. Some other ways to beat the battery drain is by disabling auto-updation of apps, adjusting brightness level of your screen, and deleting unnecessary apps.

·  Crashes

Frequent crashes having become synonymous with Android. It is annoying to helplessly watch your mobile reboot or freeze while you are just in the middle of sending a text, about to disconnect a call, or closing an app. In order to solve this problem, you simply need to check whether RAM has enough space. Just delete the clutter such as unwanted apps or images. You can also remove apps that not compatible with current version of your OS.  This will solve problem to a great extent.

·  “Installation Unsuccessful Error” in GooglePlay

One of the most common errors is “Download Unsuccessful” or “Installation Unsuccessful” while you are trying to update or download app from Google Play.
Here is how you can fix this problem:
Clear Cache(Applications > Manage Applications > All > GooglePlay and hit “Clear Data”
In most cases this will solve the problem. If not, you are very likely facing an SD card issue.
You can follow these simple steps:
Unmount SD Card >> Uninstall Play Store Updates (Settings > Applications > All > PlayStore and hitting “Uninstall Updates”)

(203) 208-3081

Using Delayed_jobs Gem in Rails 3

Consider we have a long running task like sending emails to large number of users,the user have to wait until the request is completed then only the rails application can accept another it is preferable to run the long running tasks in the background,for that we can use sidekiq or resque or DelayedJob etc.Sidekiq and rescue requires redis,here we are going to use delayedjob.Lets us see how to use delayed_jobs gem in our rails application.

Add the following to your gem file.

gem 'delayed_job_active_record'

Run the bundle install command to install the gems.

The following command will create a table as it is required to have a jobs table for AR backend.

rails generate delayed_job:active_record
rake db:migrate

Then we can use .delay method to process any job in the background.

without delayed_job  


Here we are going to remove the .deliver and add .delay to the UserMailer


Thats it! now the process will be added to the delayed_jobs table.

But we have to start the jobs,for that use the following command by entering into your application directory. 


In staging add gem "daemons" bundle and run rails generate delayed_job.

RAILS_ENV=staging script/delayed_job start

In production add gem "daemons" bundle and run rails generate delayed_job.

RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job start

(203) 208-3081

Monday, 5 May 2014

R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate]

Go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > tab [Order and Export] > Tick Android Version Checkbox 
Then if your workspace does not build automatically…

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